So, you are interested in having your product or service spoken about with enthusiasm on TheKitchenSinkWP Podcast? Well, that's awesome-sauce!
The Details
- Since the show is relativity short in duration, I have will have a maximum of 3 sponsors per show.
- The charge is $300 per spot.
- You will be mentioned between segments 2 and 3, as well as receive a permanent link in the show notes.
- I create and post thank-you notices via KSWP social media channels: Twitter, Facebook & personal LinkedIn profile - during the week the episode is released.
- Ideally you will provide some talking points, otherwise I can just riff! If you know me, then you know, I’m fairly good at this!
The Nitty Gritty & Disclaimer(s)
- Since I really want to help my audience in the best possible way, I want to endorse products that I find useful and can confidently recommend. I may turn down your inquiry if it doesn't fit my audience at this time. Oh, and I won’t endorse smoking or smoking related products/services, ever.
- Sponsorship fees are subject to change at discretion of KSWP
Still Interested ? Great! Fill out the form below and let's get started!