Podcast E576 – Listener Q & A

This week I answer listener questions.

Upcoming Events

  • Celebrating Women Leadership in Tech and WordPress. – Cochabamba 2025  March 15

Segment 1: In the News

Segment 2:Listener Q/A

  1. Is SASS in WordPress still a thing?
  2. If WordPress were a kitchen appliance, what would it be?
  3. What are the most important things to consider when choosing a WordPress eCommerce plugin?
  4. What's the fastest way to break a WordPress site?
  5. How do I speed up a slow WooCommerce store?
  6. If you could only use ONE WordPress plugin for the rest of your life, which would it be?
  7. What's the weirdest WordPress site you've ever seen?
  8. I’ve listened to you for a long time on KSWP, but I was a wondering if you’d ever consider doing another show – maybe something more irreverent like the Get Options days and possibly broader than just WordPress topics? Thanks!

Segment 3: Tool of the Week
