This week I share the Gift Guide for 2017!
Upcoming Events
- WordCamp Rome Dec 15-16
- WordCamp Kampala Dec 16-17
- WordCamp Bhopal Dec 17
Segment 1: In the News
- State of the Word
- MarsEdit has a new version
- Can You Start Yesterday launched
Segment 2: 28 Holiday Shopping Ideas for GEEK in your life!
Travel – portable life..
- Anker portable battery
- Grid It
- 1tb external hard drive
- Anker Lightening cables
- USB Flash drive for iPhone
- Productivity Planner
- Freshbooks
- PipeDrive CRM
- DesktopServer
- Upgraded your hosting?
- Focus@Will
- Post Status
- Backblaze
Growth (aka New Projects)
- Brian Hogg’s Plugin course
- Microphone? ATR2100
- Go to a non WP conference! totally outside of industry…
- Go to a non WP event but with WP Peeps! Camp.Press event?
- Join or create a local WordPress Meetup!
- WP Swag Store
- Think Geek –
- The Big Leap — book – mindset
- Amazon Echo / Dot
- Plex
- Book: Cocktails for Survival: Not as trump as you drink I am
- Donate to WP Foundation
- Donate time/$ to local Girl Develop It chapter
Segment 3: Tool of the Week